35. Using Self-Compassion to Create Sustainable Health with Gold medalist Chandra Crawford
Today, we have a 3-time olympian and gold medalist on the show, Chandra Crawford, to share how her high-vibe energy and growth mindset led her to turn her life challenges into opportunities. She shares everything from her struggles with an eating disorder and the messy healing process that led her to embrace self-compassion to what it takes to raise a family while also pursuing her big bold goals.
Prior to qualifying for her first Olympics, Chandra also founded a national charity, Fast and Female, whose mission is to keep self-identified girls ages 8 to 14 healthy and active in sports. Fast and Female believes in the power of positive sports experiences and role models to help girls build leadership skills, teamwork, and resiliency.
The stories, resources, and advice Chandra shares will leave you ready to sit with your emotions, face your challenges, and do your part to make the world a better place for future generations.
Find Chandra on IG @chandracrawford
Visit her website: chandracrawfordspeaking.com/about
Learn more about Fast and Female: fastandfemale.com/about
People/resources mentioned in episode:
Kristin Neff: self-compassion.org
Tara Brach: www.tarabrach.com
The Beginner's Guide to Walking the Buddha's Eightfold Path: www.amazon.com/Beginners-Guide-Walking-Buddhas-Eightfold-ebook/dp/B000XUBF1U
Eckhart Tolle: eckharttolle.com
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment: www.amazon.com/Power-Now-Guide-Spiritual-Enlightenment/dp/1577314808
Clara Hughes: www.instagram.com/claraannehughes
Check Your Privilege: www.instagram.com/ckyourprivilege
NO WHITE SAVIORS: www.instagram.com/nowhitesaviors
Delee Nikal: www.instagram.com/wetsuweten_checkpoint
Amanda Kemp: www.instagram.com/dramandakemp
Past episode mentioned:
It’s Not Just the Food You Eat That Matters, Let’s Optimize Your Life Diet: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/its-not-just-the-food-you-eat-that-matters-lets/id1603145751?i=1000580772686
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