148. Refine Your Focus: The Key to High Performance and Achieving Your Dreams

Focus isn’t just a buzzword—it’s everything. If you want to be truly great, you need to zero in on what matters most, and that’s what today’s episode is all about. I’m breaking down the absolute necessity of focus, and trust me, you can’t get there without a plan. You need to map it out first, because without a clear strategy, your focus will scatter like confetti at a parade. The magic happens when you turn that plan into action, so once you’ve got your roadmap in place, it's all about execution.


The key to success isn’t in wishing or hoping—it’s in putting in the work, staying consistent, and executing that plan like a true champion. But here’s the thing: focus doesn’t mean you can do it all. You’ve got to make hard decisions about what to prioritize, and that’s where the power of saying "no" comes in. Saying no might feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s a total game-changer when it comes to keeping distractions at bay and protecting your time.


You can’t be everything to everyone. That’s why it’s so important to make choices about what truly matters and what’s going to move you closer to greatness. And here's the kicker: you’ve also got to recover! I know, I know—you’re all about that hard work, but without recovery, you’re just running on fumes. Focus isn’t just about working hard, it’s about working smart, and taking the time to recharge is crucial for maintaining long-term success. So, if you're tired of feeling scattered and overwhelmed, tune into this episode because I’m sharing all the strategies you need to sharpen your focus, reclaim your priorities, and start making some serious moves.


What you'll hear in this episode:

[1:25] The Importance of Focus

[6:45] The Power of Pre-Decisions

[9:40] Focus is Centered on Executing the Plan

[12:35] The Importance of Pre-Determining Priorities 

[14:35] The Power of Saying No

{16:55} You Have to Make Choices about What’s Important

[19:00] The Role of Recovery in Focus


Related Episodes:

How to Stay Energized for Top Performance

How to Master Your To-Do List

Can Doing Less Lead to More Productivity?


Connect with Paige on Instagram @paigelawrencecoaching